Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The ole' debit card dupe / Chinchilla

The Set-Up

You need to live with at least one other person with whom you have a joint checking account to which you have online access to. You also need to be out of groceries.

The Hook

Arrange it so that your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, or roommate goes grocery shopping without you. Make sure they plan to pay with a debit card. Tell them to buzz the apartment when they get back and you'll help them carry the groceries inside.

The Tale

While they're off grocery shopping you go online and access your checking account, waiting for the grocery store purchase to register. When it does you make a mental note of the exact total.
When they get back from grocery shopping you meet them outside to help them carry the groceries into the apartment. You complain over how many groceries they bought and the sheer number of bags. Remark that it must have cost a fortune. Ask who gave them permission to buy the expensive paper towels, why they keep purchasing tomato juice if they're never going to drink it. Make certain you are obnoxious enough with your incessant whining that it triggers them to get defensive. They should argue that they did not, in fact, spend a fortune.

The Sting

You tell them that judging by the weight and volume of the groceries you helped carry you estimate that they spent $176.43, and that's not exactly chump change.

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