Friday, October 31, 2008

Subpar halloween costume / Tumbler

Greetings and salutations!!
What do you think?
What do you mean 'about what'? My costume, stupid.
C'mon, guess again.
Check out my pants.
Seriously you don't know who I am?
Look at this shirt.
Who wears a shirt like this?
Try again.
Trent Decker? When have you seen Trent ever wear a shirt like this?
And these shoes?
C'mon these shoes should be a give away.
Greetings and salutations!!
. . . . . . . . .
Greetings and salutations!!
Greetings and salutations!! Who always says that?
No. She always says, "Hope this morning finds you well."
I don't even know who that is.
Yes, of course he works here. Guess again.
Yes, Mark Reynolds! There you go! You finally go it!
I'm surprised it took you so long.
You know how he's always saying, "Greetings and salutations!"
Well, he does. He says it all the time.
And he always wears pants like this.
With the pleats and the crease.
And shirts always tucked in with a collar.
Like this one.
Do you even know who Mark Reynolds is?
Well I've worked with him for 6 years too and I'm telling you he dresses just like this.
Wait here comes Gwen let's ask her.
Hey Gwen. Greetings and salutations!!
Take a look at me. At what I'm wearing. Head to toe. Soak it in. Got it? Ok listen.
Greetings and salutations!! . . .
Who am I? . . .
Who am I?
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Fuck you guys.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

When the mind goes blank / Gourd

[Actual phone conversation I had yesterday]
Customer service guy: Could you please verify your email address?
Me: Sure. It's
Customer service guy: So that's 'R' as in romeo, 'K' as in kite, 'Z' as in zebra, 'E' as in elephant, 'R' as in romeo, 'O' as in oscar, 'P' as in peter, 'H' as in henry at hotmail dot com?
Me: No. There's no 'P'. It's a 'T'.
Customer service guy: I'm sorry, did you say 'D' as is dog?
Me: No. My email address is 'R' as in romeo, 'K' as in kite, 'Z' as in zebra, 'E' as in elephant, 'R' as in romeo, 'O' as in oscar, 'T' as in . . . [mind racing] . . . . tiramisu, 'H' as in henry at hotmail dot com.
[long pause]
Customer service guy: Dearamitzoo?
Me: Tiramisu. It's a popular Italian dessert.
Customer service guy: An what letter does is start with?
Me: It starts with a 'T'.
Customer service guy: 'T' as in tiger?
Me: Yes. . . 'T' as in tiger.
Customer service guy: Thank you. Is there anything else I can help you out with today?
Me: That should do it. Thank you.
Customer service guy: Thank you Mr. Zeroth. Have a nice day.
Me: You too. Goodbye.
Customer service guy: Goodbye sir.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

How to: properly flip a coin / Celophane

Ding Dong

[You open the front door]

"Hi, I'm Chris Mullin, former Golden State Warrior and 54th all-time leading scorer in NBA history. I'm going door to door today explaining to people the proper way to flip a coin.

Now I know what you're thinking. Who doesn't know how to flip a coin? Heads or tails. Call it in the air. Couldn't be more simple. Get the off my doorstep you bonehead.

But what if I were to tell you that you were doing it all wrong? That every decision you've ever made with the aid of a coin flip was tainted? That the course your life has taken thus far is quite possibly askew due to your shoddy coin flipping protocol. That my shoes are two sizes too small. What if I were to tell you that?

OK, let's say you can't decide whether or not to rent the movie 'King Ralph' or 'Regarding Henry' and want to settle the matter with the flip of a coin. If you are like most folks you'd simply assign 'King Ralph' as heads and 'Regarding Henry' as tails, flip the coin and let fate decide your entertainment for the evening.

But how are you letting fate decide if you are the one determining whether 'Doc Hollywood' is heads, or 'Regarding Henry' is tails, or 'King Ralph' is tails, or if 'Regarding Henry' is heads? You're not God are you?

A good way to make these types of decisions is by flipping a coin. Let fate determine whether 'King Ralph' or 'Regarding Henry' is heads in the coin flip that will determine which movie you will watch that night. That way your movie selection will not be influenced by your choice of assigning 'Regarding Henry' heads, or 'King Ralph' tails, or 'King Ralph' heads, or 'Regarding Henry' tails.

Do you understand what I am trying to explain to you?
Are you as excited as I am?
May I come inside your house?

Fair enough. Now where was I?

Yes. Unfortunately the tangled web that is the fair coin flip weaves on. You see when you flip the coin to determine which movie will be heads and which movie will be tails when you flip the coin to determine which movie you will be watching you need to find a fair way to determine whether you'll be flipping the coin to determine which movie will be heads or which movie will be tails. For this I suggest the simple act of flipping a coin.

If you flip the coin and it comes up heads then that means the following flip will determine which movie will be tails when you flip the coin to determine whether you'll be watching 'King Ralph' or 'Regarding Henry'. If you flip the coin and it comes up tails then that means the following flip will determine which movie will be heads when you flip the coin to determine whether you'll be watching 'Regarding Henry' or 'King Ralph'.

Now I know what's going through your head. Something along the lines of, "All right Chris Mullin, I was with you there for a while but now after all that preaching about how it's not fair to personally assign heads or tails to choices you plan on flipping for, you're going to tell me that it's OK to say that if you a toss a coin and it comes up heads then that means the subsequent flip will determine which movie will be tails when you flip the coin to determine whether you'll be watching 'King Ralph' or 'Regarding Henry'? That, my friend, reeks of hypocrisy."

Am I right? Is that what you're thinking?

Aha! I thought so. Well you know what Mr. Whatsyourname? I'd like to see you come up with something better. You think it's easy trying to explain the intricacies of the inherent unconscious biases in coin tossing to unsuspecting boneheads who've been interrupted from their morning english muffins by the ringing doorbell?

Do you think that's easy?
Can I use your bathroom?

Fine. Well the next time you find yourself needing to decide between 'King Ralph' and 'Regarding Henry' good fucking luck.

Sorry for swearing there.
Enjoy your morning.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Rules while jogging around Prospect Park / Mamba

1. Even though Google maps says it's 3.4 miles around the park I call it an even 4.
2. I'm allowed to spit once per mile.
3. I'm allowed to yell "C'mon!" to myself once per mile.
4. If I make it all the way around the park without walking that's +1 point for me.
5. If I make it all the way around the park without walking and without spitting that's +2 points for me.
6. If I make it all the way around the park without walking and without spitting and without yelling "C'mon!" that's +3 points for me.
7. If I have stop at the top of the big hill at the end and walk the final 1/8 of a mile that still counts as a full jog around the park.
8. If you pass me while we're both jogging but later I pass you when going up the final hill that's +2 points for me and -2 points for you.
9. If you pass me then later you start walking and I pass you that's +1 point for me.
10. If I pass you I'm allowed an extra spit.
11. If I pass you, then get to tired and have to walk, then you pass me, that doesn't count for any points because as far as you know I'd already jogged all the way around the park like 3 times.
12. If I make it all the way around the park but have to walk up the last big hill it's still +1 point as long as the number of people I passed while I was jogging surpasses the number of people who pass me while walking up the hill by at least 3.
13. If you pass me and you're a girl that's -1 point for me.
14. If you pass me and you're pushing a baby stroller that's -2 points for me,
15. If you pass me and you're a man wearing spandex shorts that's -3 points for me.
16. If you pass me and you're a fat girl that's -4 points for me.
17. If I pass you and you're wearing one of those belts that have the mini water bottles that's -10 points for you.
18. If I pass you and finish jogging around the park and then when I'm walking back to my place you jog past me right outside my apartment then you're just a dick.
19. If you look like you're hot as I jog up behind you but as I pass you and nonchalantly check you out from the front I realize you're ugly that's -1 point for me and -2 points for you.
20. If we tie I win.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Stupid hat, wind / Gasket

Gusty day today.
There goes my hat.
Boy I bet that sure looked stupid.
Wonder if anyone noticed.
Luckily it didn't blow away too far.
Sitting on the sidewalk just behind me.
I think I'll just nonchalantly bend down to pick it back up.
It is a brand new hat, after all.
No one appears to be looking, so. . .
Damn wind just blew it another couple feet down the sidewalk as I reached for it.
Boy I bet that sure looked stupid.
Wonder if anyone noticed.
Shit, that woman across the street is totally staring at me.
Now what?
Maybe I should just forget it and walk away.
I can afford another hat, at least that's what I want that woman to think.
What's another hat? I got closets full of 'em.
I bet my hair looks stupid.
Totally sticking up in the back.
I can feel the wind whipping it to and fro.
She's still staring.
She's either staring at my stupid hair or wondering if I'm going to make another lame attempt at picking up the hat.
No wait, she's probably wondering why I don't just pick it up.
Just snatch that cap and pull it tight around my head.
Claim what's mine.
Like a man.
It's only like 5 feet away.
Only a pussy would walk away from their own hat when it's so close.
Then again, if I reach down to pick it up and the wind blows it further away before I grab it I might as well just drop my pants, make myself trip, and call it a day.
Why'd I even buy that stupid hat?
Fuckin' newsboy cap. Doesn't even look good on me.
What am I trying to prove?
Hey, look at me, I'm wearing a fucking newsboy cap. I'm with it. I'm looking for attention. I'm trying to get laid.
Might as well be wearing some glow-in-the-dark Kanye sunglasses.
OK. Just standing here like a jackass isn't looking too keen either.
Quick decision.
I'm going to walk away.
I'm going to walk away, put my hands in my pockets, and try to look cool.
Like I don't give a shit.
Here I go.
- - - - - -
Shit. She's saying something.
Ignore it.
She's probably talking to someone else.
- - - - - -
Nope. That's definitely directed towards me.
"Yes. That is my hat."
Well that idea backfired.
Pick up the fucking hat and go home.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Off the grid / Stalk

My father doesn't have a cell phone
any big news has to wait until he gets back from fishing
being the last to know doesn't seem to bother him
deep down I think he likes it
to get information in bunches upon his return
while those with cell phones fuss over him and shake their heads
getting debriefed
as he guts the fish

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Change / Millet

Got any change?
You know, like coins.
Yes. Currency. What did you think I meant?
Oh. I see. Like ‘change’ in the action sense of the word?
Ha ha ha ha!
No, no, it’s not a problem.
Common mistake.
Nope. I was actually looking for quarters, dimes, and the like.
Yep. Anything that would fall under the category of spare.
. . . . . .
But now that you mention it, I suppose I could use that kind of change as well.
Know what I mean?
Seeing as my day-to-day consists of nothing more than sitting here on an empty nectarine crate, hassling ATM users.
I guess a little unexpected misdirection in the life department for yours truly could be just the thing.
Glad you brought it up.
Hey. Since we're on the topic, I don’t suppose you have anything like that jingling in your pocket, do you?
I see.
That makes sense.
Uh huh.
Never thought of it like that.
You bring up a valid point there.
Sure, but -
Again, I concede that you're on to something.
OK but -
If you don't -
Not to -
Listen! Don't mean to cut you off. While your suggestions regarding alterations to my lifestyle and overall outlook on life are novel and would undoubtedly plant the seeds of emotional growth and financial progress, I can't help but think I'd be better served stabbing you with this rusty screwdriver and stealing your coat and shoes. . . . and your spare change, of course.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

When the blood goes bad / Punch

Blood don't last forever.

There are over 5,000 blood banks in the U.S. Each one is stocked with an average of 200 gallons of blood. That's roughly one million gallons of blood just sitting around and waiting for someone to to get shot in the stomach or lose an arm. Trillions of red and white blood cells biding their time, twiddling their thumbs until the next plane crash or car bombing. Fact is, a good number of those gallons go unused. Even under ideal refrigeration and preservation conditions blood only last for about 6 years before it loses its luster. Once that happens there's no use keeping it at the bank. Blood bankers need to get rid of it and make way for fresh liquid vitality.

I'm the guy they call when the blood goes bad.

See, you can't just dump bad blood down the drain. That would be a serious violation of health code 65 section C. You can't dump in lakes or oceans either. Nor can you bury it, burn it, leave it out in the sun and hope it evaporates, or shoot it into space. When it comes to expired blood, state and federal courts have seen fit to outlaw any conceivable disposal method. So when any blood bank manager finds themselves with a freezer full of dead blood my phone is sure to ring shortly thereafter.

They all have my card.

When they call the conversation is brief. I suppose most of the questions they'd like to ask they're too scared of what the answers might be.

I don't tell them when I'm coming. I don't call them once I've arrived. All they know is that one morning soon they'll arrive to work and the bad blood will be gone.

I work at night.

I've got keys to every blood bank in the country. I get in. I get out. And I'm on my way. There's a sort of sick dynamic between the desolate and lonely nights and the life giving fluid from thousands I carry. I'm alone yet with company at the same time.

What I do with the blood I'm not at liberty to say. What I can tell you is this.

You may have seen me.

I might have been the weird guy you passed on the sidewalk last night carrying two buckets. I could be the crazy neighbor who waters his plants at night. I may have been the stranger in the bar who brought his own drink.

My work day ends when dawn first breaks. I like to save a few cc's of O+ for myself, find a nearby park or beach, and toast the rising sun.

"Here's to you, sun. You're the one that keeps the blood pumping. I'm the one they call when the blood goes bad."

Then I head back to my bed and try to sleep. The sun illuminates my crimson stained hands. They remind me to have nightmares. They remind me to fold them and pray.

It's a living.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Two Miss Piggy jokes / Kumquat


So I was watching an episode of 'The Muppet Show' the other night and I realized something. Miss Piggy was a real bitch. Yelling at the other muppets all the time. She’d beat the shit out of Kermit. . . frequently. A solid 'Hiiiiiya' karate chop right to the kisser and he’d fly across the room into Animal’s drum set where someone would have to unbend his mouth. Always completely unprovoked. Makes you wonder what was going through Jim Henson’s head when he created Miss Piggy.

It sure doesn’t paint a pretty picture of Mrs. Henson.

If anything I don’t think it’s too far of a stretch to say that the whole Miss Piggy character was one big cry for help.

I wonder if Jim Henson’s friends or colleagues ever suspected anything? They’d be in the middle scripting a Muppets episode. Jim would show up late with fresh bruises. “Oh great Mr. Henson you’re here. Let me catch you up. Where were we? O.K. Kermit helped Gonzo find his chicken and Fozzie and Rawlf learn an important lesson about sharing. We figured we’d end it with a full cast ensemble of ‘Together Again’. What do you think Jim?”

“Yeah. Maybe. I was actually thinking something more along the lines of having Miss Piggy barge in scream at Kermit for forgetting to pay the electric bill, then take a swing at him with a letter opener and threaten to take the kids and leave the country.”


I wonder what Jim Henson's wife thought of Miss Piggy?

Because when people think of Jim Henson, they think of Kermit the Frog. And when people think of Miss Piggy, they think of that heartless swine of a wife that frequently manipulated and beat her frail, lovable husband.

I bet it was a delicate subject around the Henson home. I can just see the whole Henson family sitting around the dinner table.

"So, Jim, how's the movie script coming along?"

"It's finished. It's my greatest work to date. I'm calling it, 'The Muppets Take Manhattan!'"

"Good for you Jim. So. . . how did things pan out for Kermit and Miss Piggy?"

"They get married at the end."

"Really? That's fantastic!! So they finally ironed things out, found some common ground, and mutually decided to spend the rest of their lives together?"

"Well. . . not exactly. Miss Piggy actually tricks Kermit into marrying her at the end by sneaking a real priest into the final scene of their big Broadway play. Kermit barely knew what hit him. He didn't really have a choice you see. . . Ahem. . . Can you pass the mashed potatoes?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Officer Clem, pure of heart / Lynchpin

It's a good job.

One not without its challenges

I've been a security officer at 1166 sixth avenue going on 16 years now. On the surface I suppose there's not much to it. Can't say I've ever come across a bonafide job description but if one were in need of drafting I suppose it wouldn't differ much from this:

Security Officer
responsibilities include:
-monitoring the immediate vicinity surrounding 1166 along with the neighboring 50 foot radius for suspicious activity
-keeping smokers within the designated smoking area
-smiling politely

Truth is there's never been much in terms of suspicious activity to report. I've only had to pull out my walkie-talkie on two occasions and only used it once. Crazy fella once attempted to urinate on the side of the building but thanks to some quick intervening on my part the authorities arrived in the nick of time. That was 10 years ago. Things have been pretty quiet since then.

Sure there's the occasional smoker who wonders into the courtyard and doesn't appreciate my reminder to step back into the predesignated area. I get sneers, scoffs, and subtle hand gestures. Even got spit at once. Yeah those smokers can be a rude bunch. But overall the biggest challenge is finding ways to pass the time.

Most of the rest of the guys fill the void by gawking at the pretty ladies strolling by, and Lord knows they like to stroll by, but not me.

No sir.

I made a promise to the Lord Jesus long ago that I wouldn't stare at the pretty ladies. There was a day not too long ago when I was like the others. There was a day when if you were to ask me to draft a job description it would differ from the one I mentioned before.

It would have looked something like this:

Security Officer
responsibilities include:
-monitoring the immediate vicinity surrounding 1166 along with the neighboring 50 foot radius for suspicious activity
-keeping smokers within the designated smoking area
-smiling politely
-staring at the all pretty ladies

You catch the difference?

It was the last one there. Staring at the pretty ladies. Yeah that used to be my specialty. Nothing made an 11 hour day of standing in the same 5 foot space of sidewalk fly by than taking in an eyeful of the breathtaking females that swung their hips as they sauntered on by. Heck, the 10 seconds it took for a woman in a low cut top to pass could occupy the mind from 9:30 to noon. A tight sweater with a brief glimpse of flesh along the small of the back as they bend to tie their shoe could get me through the whole week.

And don't get me started on ladies in suits wearing glasses with their hair pulled back. 
My goodness gracious.

But I've changed my heart. With the help of Jesus I let the pretty ladies walk on by with their bosoms and bottoms below my line of vision. The key is to focus on their eyes. Look them in their peepers, smile, nod, and look away. Don't let the devil allow the eyes drift south to drink it up.

Today I fill the holes of the day by watching the pigeons or reading the menu of the falafel stand on the corner.  Sometimes I count the windows of the building.  It's 35 floors so that can kill some time.  Sometimes I count the number of smoke breaks Frida Lundkin takes.  Her record is 13.  Other times I have a contest to see how many black cars drive by compared to blue ones. 

Or white ones. 

Or taxis.  

All while keeping an eye out for suspicious activity of course.

The days do seem longer though.

Friday, October 17, 2008

My 300th friend / Barb

299 friends on facebook
looking to add one more
click on "People You May Know"
to see what I have in store

There's Jennifer Savage-Roberts
I knew her as Jenny Savage
she was smokin' hot in highschool
but 3 kids and 50 pounds did damage

Michael Chevronoski
my best friend from 2nd grade
but his profile pic concerns me
he's wielding a switchblade

Some girl named Susan Tiller
we have 19 mutual friends
I've tried to add her fifty times
she ignores me time and again

I see a guy I used to work with
name is Phillip Stanahoustick
but browsing through his photos
I remember he's a prick

There's Kathy from accounting
we've maybe spoken twice
each time was utter torture
but man her ass is nice

What about Felix Cornwall Higgins
some guy I met once on a plane
he's poked me three times this month
but I'm fairly certain he's insane

Profile after profile
I start to see a trend
no matter how you slice it
I don't have 300 friends

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Recent cases of deja vu / Nomad

I was taking a shower when I thought I heard a radio playing the "If you like Pina Coladas" song from somewhere outside the bathroom and I had this weird feeling that it had all happened before.

The man on the television told me I needed to own a car brush that shoots soap and water as I struggled over the kitchen sink trying to clean dried pasta off a wire mesh colander and I had this weird feeling that it had all happened before.

I was almost hit by a bus on 57th street when I temporarily wasn't paying attention due to a passerby explaining what she believed to be the proper rules to capture the flag and I had this weird feeling that it had all happened before.

As I was eating corn on the cob I mistakenly think I heard my wife say tailspin instead of mail bin and I briefly reminisced about the cartoon called Tailspin where the bear flies the sea plane I had this weird feeling that it had all happened before.

While I know he was saying something about a major plot hole in the movie Mrs. Doubtfire, I had to ask Lester to repeat himself because I couldn't hear him over a nearby space shuttle launch and I had this weird feeling that it had all happened before.

Was watching a television show about submarines when my phone rang and the guy on the other line said "check out channel 37" just as a rock crashed through the window that had the words "don't change that channel" painted on it and I had this weird feeling that it had all happened before.

I was choking Dr. Namlord, the evil sultan of Broken Skull Tires & Mufflers, when a half wolverine / half ostrich type creature tapped me on the shoulder and offered me a gorgonzola stuffed fig with a balsamic reduction and I had this weird feeling that it had all happened before.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The last second and a half / Quartz

The oxygen masks dangled from the ceiling as the flight attendant announced procedures none of the passengers could hear over the turbulence.
He knew this day would come.
He'd been preparing for it since the day he decided to take control of his life. It wasn't so much a fear of death that fed it as it was his steadfast confidence in his ability to handle himself.
He remained calm and rethought the upcoming series of events for the thousandth time.
The key to perseverance rested in him keeping his head clear and his body alert.
The plane would be destroyed. That much was certain. And after the plane itself would come the larger parts of the plane. There was no hope for the plane's wings, or its engine, or tail. A similar fate would surely then trickle down to the cockpit, the overhead compartments, and much of the main cabin. The next phase would include the demise of most of the passengers, their luggage, laptops, and magazines. But basic physics insisted that at some point the destruction taper off. No doubt a seat belt would emerge unscathed. A can of ginger ale in the beverage cart would perhaps be spared. The lethal combination of velocity, gravity, inertia, jet fuel, combustion, and fire, while potent, had one aspect working against it - time. If he could just survive the initial few lighting quick waves of devastation he could carry on with his day. He could be that can of ginger ale.

Just then the plane crashed.

In the next moment the seat in front of him collapsed onto his lap and crushed his right leg. He saw his flesh tear and bone break and wondered if there was anything he could have done differently to prevent that. Could have have scooted to his left? Maybe caught the seat with his hands? Before the pain had a chance to register the roof of the cabin ripped free and chopped him in two.

He died disappointed, wondering exactly where he had lost control.

zeroth life lesson: ain't nothing wrong with dying just as long as you die knowing you're dying.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The pitch / Auger

Get out your checkbook and picture this.

You've got your protagonist, just your modern day, everyday, everyman trying to get by. He's got a wife, couple kids, loyal dog, decent house, job that puts food on the table, so-on-and-so-forth, but there's something missing and he can't put his finger on it. Think Kevin Spacey from 'American Beauty'. 

We'll call him George.

So you take this all American man with his all American family and you toss them into an environment none of them are familiar with. I mean the whole family is out of their element (maybe a vacation gone awry, they slip into another dimension, they're forced to move to a new country for some reason - we'll figure something out). Think 'The Shining' meets 'National Lampoon's Vacation' meets 'An American Tail' - something to that effect.  

Pretty nuts, I know, but stay with me.

Anyway, tragic hijinx ensues. Surrounded by customs, predicaments, and circumstances foreign to his family, George struggles to keep them together. Mother lashes out at child, child looks to father for help, father worries about the well-being of the dog, dog ruins the mother's good shoes - the cycle perpetuates itself. They are all desperate and scared. Things are unravelling at a rapid pace.

Then, as chance would have it, George meets what turns out to be the mirror image of himself from that particular strange world. This guy also has the wife, kids, dog, house, and job. Only difference is we're in his element now. Think Darren McGavin from 'A Christmas Story'. We'll call him Fred. Fred takes George and his family under his wing. He and his family teach them the ways and nuances of this new place. The wife and kids get along famously. Even the dogs take to each other - share the same food bowl or some shit. Both families quickly grow quite find of each other and George finds that one thing we was looking for - a staunch conviction of his ability to be a good father and husband.

At this point we turn the movie on it's head as Fred's family is suddenly faced with the same challenges. Through some sort of crazy set of events (plane crash on a deserted island, apocalyptic scare, they inherit a farm - we'll figure something out) they are thrown into the culture George's family had come from. Now they're the ones surrounded with a foreign way of life. They too, must adapt. Fred finds himself learning the same lessons he helped teach George.  Over time both men find themselves fitting into the lives the other had built.  They take on similar jobs, make the same friends, and share the same pains.  It's fucking beautiful.

Of course at the end everyone somehow makes it back to their original homes and proceed to lead fuller and happier lives.  Wrap it up in a nice pretty bow.

It will challenge everything we think we know about our families, our culture, our government, and ourselves. It will rekindle age-old debates such as nature vs. nurture, separation of church and state, and the key to happiness.
Toss in some cutting edge special effects and I think we have a winner on our hands.

Sounds promising. One problem though. I'm pretty sure that movie's already been made.

Bullshit. You show me one movie that tackles all of that and pulls it off.  I've checked.  Nothing from Landis, Reiner, Solondz, or Raimi.  Not even Ron Howard.

Try Don Lusk.

Who the hell is Don Lusk?

Made a little movie called, 'Jetsons Meet the Flintstones'


Monday, October 13, 2008

MC door knob / Specimen

The doorknob of my bathroom door is made of shiny brass.

So every time I take a seat with last night's dinner set to pass;

I see my reflection in the knob and something feels not right;

like it's a hidden camera for some sick & twisted fetish website.

But I pretend it's a rap video and the next verse up is mine.

So as I drop a load I look at myself and toss up a gang sign.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The 'equals' button achievement / Spout

Craig had a big day today.
Pretty proud of himself.
The only thing is it’s not the “I volunteered at a homeless shelter” type of proud. You know, the proud that you want to try to slip into every conversation you have, like when you finish a crossword puzzle or correctly predict the end of a movie. No, today he's the type of proud that carries with it an equal helping of embarrassment - like when you give yourself a great haircut or fart in the elevator without anyone knowing it was you. The feeling of pride is undoubtedly there, but he's not so sure about letting other people know about it.

It all started when he was 5 or 6 or so. Craig was futzing around with a calculator. He realized that if he hit 1 + 1 and then the 'equals' button he'd get 2, but if he hit 'equals' again he'd get 3, again he'd get 4. Basically if Craig kept punching the 'equals' button over and over he would continually add 1 to his grand total.

The first time Craig did it he got up to 200 or so, got bored and went and watched some Reading Rainbow. Every now and then he'd pick up the calculator again and try and beat his record. He'd get up to 1,000 and his mom would take the calculator away and tell him to go outside and try to make some friends.

The cycle repeated itself until one day, a few years later, when Craig was trying to beat his record he realized how stupid and pointless it all was. What was he thinking? What a waste of time. He decided that what he should being doing is REMEMBERING the number he left off on so the next time, instead of starting over at 1 + 1 equals equals equals equals equals equals, he could start at whatever number he left off on, hit + 1 equals equals equals equals and continue to increase his all time record. That changed everything.

So that's what Craig did.

Years passed. Craig eventually got to 50,000. Soon 50,000 became 625,144. 625,144 became 4,875,222. 4,875,222 became 52,008,021. Every second he could spare was spent hammering away at that equals button.

To this day, at work, in meetings, and during conference calls, the current grand total constantly taunts him. "Hey loser. This is 66,660,333. Word on the street is I'm as high as your going to get. While you're sitting there listening to these suits discuss fiscal goals there's a bored kid in Kansas with a calculator that's hit the 'equals' key over 200,000 times today alone. I suggest you break out your Casio SL-450 and get to work." So, while Craig's coworkers think he's frantically crunching numbers, going for that big promotion, in actuality he is participating in a fictitious button-punching race with an imaginary boy in Topeka.

Well, earlier today, while riding the subway, Craig reached the number 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9.
Over the course of his life he's hit the 'equals' button on his calculator 123,456,789 times.

He's very Proud. . . yet very ashamed.

Craig wanted to tell someone about it so bad he actually had the phone in his hand before it hit him.
"Don't ever tell anyone about this you sad, sad, pathetic man."
"Try reading a book you crazy bastard."

He was forced to celebrate in his own mind.
Craig stood up, raised his arms, closed his eyes and pictured himself drinking Courvoisier
with other misunderstood geniuses like Andy Koufman, the inventor of the slide whistle, Liberace, the woman who memorizes bar codes, and Busta Rhymes.

Tomorrow he plans on retiring his trusty Casio SL-450.
He might take up calligraphy.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

There are 7 confusing ways they're remembering their 'their', 'they're', & 'there's / Crank

Write "over 'there'" instead of 'they're' when they're all like "Where's their chair?"

Did you know there's a word that joins 'they' and 'are'? It's called 'they're' and they're happy that their word is a star.

If they're talking about their location than 'there' is their word but if the subject turns to ownership they know 'their' is preferred.

The sentence, "Their standing over they're by there care bear's lair" has three misuses of the word, not just a pair.

'They're' is the word to use in the end when replying to a question like, "Hey there, who's their friends?"

'Everyone Runs Errands' is their way to keep it straight that the letters E R E go in 'there' and they're great.

"They're there and they're theirs" tell you what, where, and whose. "There they're and there their" is only written down by fools.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mystery man / Grouse

He's started carrying an old beat up duffel bag with him wherever he goes. Always clutching it tight to his chest, never letting anyone see inside.

People stare and wonder.

“What’s he got in the bag?"

"I bet it’s awesome.”

One day he'll hop on a bus and head out west. When he finds a town to his liking, he’ll grab his duffel bag and just walk the streets.
It'll be a dark and stormy night and he'll make his way to the nearest dark and stormy bar. And just as he opens the door lightening will strike and the whole bar will fill with a brilliant light for a split second as he lights a cigarette and says something to the effect of:

“Judging by the weather outside, this town’s got a date with the devil tonight.”

An old man sitting in the back of the bar will swallow hard.

Then the leggy broad standing near the jukebox will approach him and say, “What’s in the bag stranger?” and he’ll reply.

“Whooa, slow down there blue eyes. . . One thing at a time. I hope you French kiss slower than you ramble.”

Then he will take her to some seedy motel and share a night of unbridled passion.

The next morning she’ll wake up and reach over to his side of the bed but it will be cold and empty. She’ll lift her head to scan the room and she will see him huddled in the corner, naked, asleep, clutching his duffel bag. She’ll then get out of bed, naked as well, and slowly approach him, ever so gently reaching. . . reaching. . . reaching to try and see inside his bag. At the last moment he’ll grab her wrist and yell, “Who sent you? Who fucking sent you? Was it Sullivan? Was it Hawkins? Was it the Blue Eagle? Tell me bitch!” and then he’ll either smash a bottle of liquor on the night stand or throw the television set out the window.

He will then sit back down, open his bag of mystery, and eat the crackers inside.

zeroth life lesson: nothing beats a good drifter

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

31 enemies that won't wish me happy birthday / Wand

1. Trudge Karlmerg
2. Dotty Pen
3. Whoopsie Johnson
4. Captain Leadermouth
5. Finkle McMasters
6. Loafer Jointpain
7. Belinda Scooner
8. Cod Meh
9. Peggy Snapdragon
10. Stretch Hipple
11. Aqua Vulva
12. Dr. Backwards Somersault
13. Heidi Notsofast
14. Krinkle Paulson
15. Mason Font
16. Flip Turnbuckle
17. Tin Coppers
18. Dorothy Pseudolord
19. Lefty Tripfoot
20. Arlo V. Foof
21. Maybe Thursday
22. Gnash Wrangle
23. Opposite Dave Same
24. Angela Bitch
25. Thermos Maxwell
26. Olin Bowels
27. Julio Whackass
28. Almost Williams
29. Balance Tulner
30. Eleven 8ty
31. J. P. Pekensmythe

Monday, October 6, 2008

Writhing amongst the peppers / Double-u

Oh my God is that Ms. Cummings?
I think it is.
She looks so different.
Sweatpants, flip-flops, and sunglasses.
Should I go say hi?
Why would I do that?
There’s no way I’m going up to her.
She’ll want to know what I’m up to, what I’m shopping for, where my mom is.
Last thing I need is a lecture from her on a Saturday.
Probably mention it to the whole class on Monday.
How she ran into me at the grocery store and we had a lovely chat or something.
Derrick and Chris would give me crap all week.
I’ll just keep my distance.
Shit, I think she saw me.
Better duck behind these cases of soda.
Wait a minute.
Why is her cart filled with green peppers?
Who would ever need that many green peppers?
Maybe it’s part of some school project or something.
That’s weird.
I don’t think you’re supposed to eat the vegetable before paying for them.
She just ate a whole green pepper!
Seeds, stem and all.
There goes another one!
Holy shit.
She just dumped the whole cart onto the floor.
Green peppers all over the place.
Here comes the manager.
She’s tearing off all her clothes.
This is awesome!
Ms. Cummings, naked, frantically pulling the remaining green peppers from the display, adding them to her pile of the floor.
There goes the manager.
What is she doing now?
Rolling around in her pile of green peppers like some nut job.
Something about the revolution,
Something else about 69 cents a pound.
Here come the cops.
Oh oh. She’s going to start tossing them.
Jesus Christ, gunfire!!
Ms. Cummings just took two in the chest!
I’m outta here.
Probably no school on Monday.
Wait till I call Derrick and Chris.

Friday, October 3, 2008

An incredible waste of time / Cauldron

I video conference Neil who takes a picture of my face on his computer screen using a digital camera. Then Neil prints out the picture and holds it up to the computer screen so I can see it through the web cam. Then I take a screenshot of the image of Neil holding up the picture to the web cam and email the screenshot to myself. I then open the email and print it. Next I take a picture of the image I've printed using my digital camera. The memory card is ejected from the camera and taken to the nearest store with a photograph purchasing kiosk. I load the card into the kiosk and select the picture so that it appears on the kiosk screen. Next I take out a piece of blank paper and places it over the kiosk screen so that I can trace the image of the picture using a pencil. On the back of the piece of paper I write:

"This is a crude drawing of a picture from my camera of an email that had a picture of a screenshot of a photo of a printed photograph of me on a computer screen. Neil helped."

The piece of paper is folded up and placed in an envelope. Finally I seal the envelope and write "open when I'm dead" on the back.

I carry the envelope in my back pocket wherever I go.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Nature / Punt

It's all around you
thousands of years old
everything from trees to the other things
the scream of a zebra, the laugh of an eskimo
Every time you touch the air;
you're touching nature
if you think about it
even when you're in a cold, metal building surrounded by robots
you're probably still touching air
and don't forget the oceans
vast, undiscovered lands
not so much undiscovered as not fully explored
and not so much land as water
but they are vast
first discovered in ancient times
by druids
who were angry about the mystics who had visions of technology
one of them said, "who needs the printing press;
when you've got fresh squeezed orange juice?"
Orange juice
Nature's nectar
oh and there's lava
Nature's wondrous kill potion
pricks call it magma

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

One last look at Rick / Fuse

They had a full agenda.
The four of them met up in the hotel lobby for the continental breakfast and to devise a battle plan. If they were going to hit up Little Italy, the Met, Brooklyn botanical gardens, and meet the kids for an early dinner they were going to have to display a mastery over the subway system that had previously eluded them.

Just yesterday confusion surrounding the difference between the N train and R train led to an unscheduled trip to Coney Island. The day before they rode the Times Square / Grand Central shuttle back and forth four times before they realized they weren't getting any closer to Central Park. Today would have to be different.

Rick and Kathy had been to New York before - once or twice a year ever since their son moved out east. On previous trips their son had done a lot of chaperoning. They had pretty much just tagged along and took for granted the difference between local and express, between downtown and uptown. On this trip they've relied heavily on John and Susan.

John and Susan had visited the big apple several times as well. They knew the subways better than Rick and Kathy but their expertise was limited to the A C E line between Port Authority (where they caught the bus to the airport) and the Christopher Street stop (where their daughter had lived for several years before moving in with Rick and Kathy's son). If today was going to be a success all four of them would have to be on their A game.

It was decided that they should be able to take the 6 train north to Little Italy which they knew was in downtown Manhattan. Yep, that should do the trick. They wiped the muffin crumbs from the subway map, folded it up, chugged their coffee, and hit the streets.

They descended the stairs of the Wall St. station and could hear the train coming. Rick looked at John. John looked at Kathy. Kathy looked at Susan.
There was no fear.
There was no panic.

They knew what they had to do.

All four of them negotiated the turnstile with perfect swipes the first try, a first for the group. They hastily made their way down to the platform to find subways arriving at the station on each side in opposite directions. John and Susan made a step toward the train arriving on the right, heading in the direction they believed to be north. Rick and Kathy made a step toward the train arriving on the left, the side with the sign that said 'downtown' which is where they believed Little Italy was.

A rushed discussion ensued in which both sides made cases for their train.

"I'm pretty sure this way is north. We walked south to get to the subway and we did a 180 when we came down the stairs."
"But this one says downtown. Don't we need to go downtown?"

Meanwhile the trains had stopped and the doors had opened. There were only a few precious seconds before the doors would close again and they'd officially be behind schedule. Susan stepped onto the train on the right. John quickly followed. Kathy looked at her husband. She opened her mouth to say something but couldn't find the words. She stepped onto the train with Susan and John. The thought of standing alone on a subway platform was more than Rick could bear. He made a desperate attempt to join his companions but the doors closed in his face as he hesitated to hold them open.

Bing Bong.

They'd never see Rick again.