Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Rules while jogging around Prospect Park / Mamba

1. Even though Google maps says it's 3.4 miles around the park I call it an even 4.
2. I'm allowed to spit once per mile.
3. I'm allowed to yell "C'mon!" to myself once per mile.
4. If I make it all the way around the park without walking that's +1 point for me.
5. If I make it all the way around the park without walking and without spitting that's +2 points for me.
6. If I make it all the way around the park without walking and without spitting and without yelling "C'mon!" that's +3 points for me.
7. If I have stop at the top of the big hill at the end and walk the final 1/8 of a mile that still counts as a full jog around the park.
8. If you pass me while we're both jogging but later I pass you when going up the final hill that's +2 points for me and -2 points for you.
9. If you pass me then later you start walking and I pass you that's +1 point for me.
10. If I pass you I'm allowed an extra spit.
11. If I pass you, then get to tired and have to walk, then you pass me, that doesn't count for any points because as far as you know I'd already jogged all the way around the park like 3 times.
12. If I make it all the way around the park but have to walk up the last big hill it's still +1 point as long as the number of people I passed while I was jogging surpasses the number of people who pass me while walking up the hill by at least 3.
13. If you pass me and you're a girl that's -1 point for me.
14. If you pass me and you're pushing a baby stroller that's -2 points for me,
15. If you pass me and you're a man wearing spandex shorts that's -3 points for me.
16. If you pass me and you're a fat girl that's -4 points for me.
17. If I pass you and you're wearing one of those belts that have the mini water bottles that's -10 points for you.
18. If I pass you and finish jogging around the park and then when I'm walking back to my place you jog past me right outside my apartment then you're just a dick.
19. If you look like you're hot as I jog up behind you but as I pass you and nonchalantly check you out from the front I realize you're ugly that's -1 point for me and -2 points for you.
20. If we tie I win.

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