Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Thinkvoice vs. Longwind / Flume

Saul Thinkvoice walks into the elevator. “Walking into elevator”, he declares. A minute later he’s walking down the hallway to his office. “Gonna turn on my computer and check my email in a minute or so”, he states to no one in particular. Sitting at his desk Saul yells, “turning on computer!”

Meanwhile Minnie Longwind is in the breakroom getting some coffee with Berl Peterson. “It is hard for me, Minniford Longwind, to believe that today, February 5th 2008, is only Wednesday of this week Berl Peterson.”
“I hear that.” Berl replies.
“My main reason for this thought stems from how unexpectedly busy with work both Monday of this week and Tuesday of this week were. The situation is almost as if my mind thinks both days should have counted for two days each instead of the single one day. The conclusion being that today, Wednesday, February 5th 2008 of this week, feels to me more like Friday of this week Berl Peterson.”

Berl has long since left the breakroom.

Minnie Longwind’s office is right next to Saul’s. To say that they get one each other’s nerves would be putting it lightly. Saul sees Minnie coming down the hall with her coffee.

“Hope that crazy jabbering bitch leaves me alone today.”

Minnie overhears it and feels it’s time for another chat.

“Mr. Saul Thinkvoice I still do not understand in my head of my body why it is that you remain adamant in your stance of verbalizing the vast majority of your brain thoughts out loud so that everyone in the general vicinity of the area can hear the thoughts whether the thoughts were intended for those people in the area to hear or not.”

“Looney broad’s using more words than necessary again and it’s obnoxious.”

“That sentence of words you spoke with your mouth right there this moment serves as a prime example of the very observation I am attempting to convey to you, Mr. Saul Thinkvoice.”

“Going to pretend I’m off to a meeting that I’m already late for so I don’t have to speak to this blathering nut job,” Saul says as he gets up from his chair.

“I also should also not fail to mention at this time that immediately after I complete this conversation with you, Mr. Saul Thinkvoice, I, Minniford Longwind, Minnie for short, will march using my feet down this hallway of floor, down another hallway of floor, over in the direction of this company’s director of Human Resources, Mr. Berl Peterson, and have a conversation with him in which the primary topic of conversation will be you, Mr. Saul Thinkvoice. I will explain to him using my mouth and voice how you continue to call me different names of a negative nature in my presence even though you’ve been warned on several different occasions that this type of negative name calling behavior should not continue to continue.”

Saul has long since left for his fake meeting.

Minnie’s coffee is cold.

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