Friday, February 1, 2008

Privileged peepers / Narwhal

I’ve seen grizzly bears scale buildings in pursuit of man.
I’ve seen Phil Shikenjanski’s revised five-year plan.
I’ve seen fields of rutabaga ablaze for miles.
I’ve seen Karl Rundgren neglect to backup his files.
I’ve seen children frolic in the midnight air.
I’ve seen Linda Brusco demand an ergonomic chair.
I've seen the mark of the uprising tattooed onto soldiers.
I've seen Cal Higgins deny Starbucks is better than Folgers.
I've seen shields built of cardboard and and spears made of plaster.
I've seen Lynn Warbuckle skip lunch each time her boss asks her.
I've seen disease ridden towns and festering seas.
I've seen Stanley Lamparski double-book conference room B.
I’ve seen the visions of mystics and dreams of the damned.
I’ve seen Randall McPherson seal a deal for 12 grand.

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