Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Jim’s lazy ass plan / Doilie

Allow me to bring you up to speed. The only thing standing in between Jim and his ultimate glory was a large man standing right in between them. Go figure. And this guy looked really pissed. Pissed in a steadfast and pure, ‘I take my job very seriously’ kind of way. So close but yet so far Jim thought to himself as he slowly backed away and made immediate plans to consider a different lot in life. These plans started with a bar stool, an open mind, a raging thirst, and the thought that maybe this whole glory thing is nothing more than a pile of glorified garbage. Now here we are, two hours and six mangled beer coasters later and not only has young James done an about face regarding his thoughts on glory, he’s done hatched himself an idea to boot. He’s decided that he doesn’t have to do anything, you see? This new plan being no plan at all. Beauty in simplicity. His stagnation could very well spearhead a cause geared toward the relaxation of the nation. His lazy ass could serve as a beacon of hope for every overworked, successful, in shape professional whatever in this fine land. Think about it next time you get the urge to floss your teeth or match your socks. The large man standing in between Jim and his glory sure as hell did. Jim’s apathy spread like the plague and soon enough the large man decided it was all pointless. He ceased the standing, laid down on the ground and took a nap, clearing the path for our friend. All Jim needs to do now is take about 4 steps forward and claim what’s rightfully his. I sure hope he does.

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