Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Zich Reroth / Condominium

Far far from here so far from here that one cannot get farther;
there's a boy like me who lives a life sorta like but not from one another.

See we both like math and both drink juice and both have dogs named Sam;
Expect his math is science, his juice is tea, and his dog don't sit but stands.

When I clap my hands he always stomps his feet, each time he snarls I sneer;
When I can find the words he always says them out loud but he's so far away I can't hear.

But what we both don't know is that our polar friend walks through life rough and incomplete;
hungry, forlorn, detached, and sad until the gods see fit we meet.

So one day we both started digging a hole straight down for shits and giggles;
After 18 years and 18 days we met each other in the middle.

I said 'hey you, you're me' he said 'I'm you, but me too' and we laughed until we cried;
and there we stayed in the center of the earth holding hands until we died.

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