Friday, August 28, 2009

Thinkvoice vs. Smellslunch / Betty Glory

Saul Thinkvoice walks into the elevator. “Walking into elevator”, he declares. A minute later he’s walking down the hallway to his office. “Gonna turn on my computer and check my email in a minute or so”, he states to no one in particular. Sitting at his desk Saul yells, “turning on computer!”

Remy Smellslunch marches straight to Saul's desk. "A little early for chicken wings, isn't it?" he asks.

"I have no chicken wings. I wish this guy would quit asking me for food I do not have."

"No chicken wings you say? I could've sworn I caught a whiff of vinegary bbq goodness coming from this direction. Sloppy Joes perhaps?"

"I need to remember to schedule a fake conference call every morning at 9:00 sharp so I can close my door and keep this whack job out of my office."

"Ha! Good one pal. Listen, you wanna swing by Jocelyn's cube and get in on that brownie action? Smells like they're right out of the oven!"

"Perhaps if I humor this clown and walk with him to Jocelyn's desk he'll leave me alone for the rest of the day."

Saul stands and makes his way past Remy who is standing in the doorway to his office but not before accidentally brushing his left hand across Remy's crotch. "Whoops, accidentally touched Remy's dick. Hope he doesn't think I'm some kind of fag or something" Saul yells. A few moments later Saul and Remy are standing at Jocelyn NoBra's desk.

"Where you hiding 'em Jocelyn?" asks Remy Smellslunch.

"Hiding what?" replies Jocelyn as she swings her swivel chair around to address her visitors, causing her unharnessed breasts to swing ever so briefly as well.

"She probably thinks you're talking about her tits" thinks/says Saul.

"Brownies. I definitely smell brownies. You bake them yourself?"

"Does it look like I got brownies or any other goodies hidden from you guys?"

Saul blurts out "Try not to look down her shirt! Refrain from peeking down her shirt you pervert! I wonder if she knows that I think she's talking about her boobs when she says 'hidden goodies'? I can't believe she's dating that douchebag Danny Douchebag. God the things I would do to her if I ever -"

"Popcorn!" exclaims Remy, inadvertently breaking the tension and allowing all three to return to their day.

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