Thursday, August 20, 2009

Things to do while waiting for the C train / Gertrude Nebula

-Grow the world's longest finger nails

-Meet an attractive member of the opposite sex, date a few times, have intercourse, argue over your official "status", reconcile, have intercourse again, break up, and agree to stay friends but not really mean it

-Design a more punctual subway, get funding approved, revise the specs, break ground, finish digging the tunnels, and lay about half of the track

-Find God

-Grow a pony tail

-Raise a pony

-Eat, digest, and defecate your lunch

-Observe the forrest eventually overtake the urban infrastructure

-Intermittently take a photograph of the middle aged woman sitting next to you so that when you look at the photographs in rapid succession you can watch her grow old and die

-See how many wall tiles you can count in an hour then try to break that record

-Grow 1/8 of an inch

-Sorta forget what your mom looks like

-Some blow

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