Sunday, July 11, 2010

Up, and how not to give it / Wes Brushy

No one remembers the moment they gave up on their dream. If you ask them they'll tell you it was a gradual thing, that the desire and drive just sort of petered out over time as other priorities such as money or children or other things often categorized as "life" slowly overtook the part of the brain that had previously held the schematics for the next big invention or business idea or song lyrics or what have you. That's convenient and that's bullshit.

The same way Tom Hanks can look back and pinpoint that audition or meeting or phone call that ultimately cleared the thorny brush blocking the path toward whatever it is he is today, Dom Fanks can look back and zero in on the day he didn't follow up on that connection, or didn't bother to do the math to see if he could afford veterinarian school, or canceled that last gig because what was the point anymore. The key is to be ultra aware of these moments because they are sneaky little bitches. They come disguised as seemingly easy decisions wrapped in common sense. It's easy to spend more time with the family or pay the heating bill as opposed to pursuing something more self fulfilling and selfish. It's easy because common sense tells you it's easy. Well common sense it just that, common.

So be selfish, do the wrong thing, be irresponsible, because the people who don't and who aren't are the same people who forgot the moment they gave up.

Good luck.

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