It started out as just an every day excursion, a quick trip to the neighborhood ATM to get some cash. About a half block away from the bank he suddenly got the feeling that something big was about to happen, as if his own fate were reaching down and shaking him awake from his day-to-day stupor through life. His senses were suddenly heightened and he became aware of each step he took, the significant event only a few moments, a few feet, away. Each passerby seemed to do so in slow motion, oblivious to his fast approaching wonderment. Suddenly he could hear far off birds chirping, make out every word of surrounding cell phone chatter, and was cognizant of the sound of tires crunching the gravel on the street. It was seconds away now. He took in a breath through his nose knowing it might be his last as the man he knew. Nothing would ever be the same.
And then it happened.
There, exiting the bank, walking in the opposite direction, was none other than Steve Buscemi.
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