Tuesday, June 15, 2010

2010 War of the Words: Winning Word Revealed

2010 War of the Words: Grand Champion / Andre Blerk


Main Entry: stu·pe·fy
Pronunciation: \ˈstü-pə-ˌfī, ˈstyü-\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): stu·pe·fied; stu·pe·fy·ing
Etymology: Middle English stupifien, modification of Latin stupefacere, fromstupēre to be astonished + facere to make, do
Date: 15th century

1 : to make stupid, groggy, or insensible

2 : astonish, astound

Monday, June 14, 2010

2010 War of the Words: Championship / Kip Winger

Live scores, updates, and other mirth and mayhem on W.o.W.'s Facebook page. Become a fan today.

5 letters or less WINNER

(1) melee

6 - 7 letter WINNER

(6) stupefy

(6) stupefy

(1) palpable
8 - 9 letter WINNER

(1) palpable

10 letter + WINNER

(4) protuberance

Sunday, June 13, 2010

2010 War of the Words: Final Four / Dov Sortov

Live scores, updates, and other mirth and mayhem on W.o.W.'s Facebook page. Become a fan today.

5 letters or less

1 melee

6 - 7 letters

16 mongrel

1 melee

6 stupefy

palpable 1

protuberance 4
8 - 9 letters

palpable 1
repugnant 6

10 letters +

protuberance 4
cataclysmic 2

Saturday, June 12, 2010

2010 War of the Words: Elite Eight / Sidney Surely

Live scores, updates, and other mirth and mayhem on W.o.W.'s Facebook page. Become a fan today.

5 letters or less

1 melee
4 kiosk

3 lard
10 spilt

6 - 7 letter

12 dullard

6 stupefy


1 melee

3 lard


6 stupefy

palpable 1

repugnant 6

protuberance 1

cataclysmic 2
8 - 9 letter

palpable 1
derelict 5

repugnant 6
rigmarole 7

10 + letters

preposterous 1
protuberance 4

abomination 3
cataclysmic 2

Thursday, June 10, 2010

2010 War of the Words: The Sweet Sixteen / Jonah Glessings

Live scores, updates, and other mirth and mayhem on W.o.W.'s Facebook page. Become a fan today.

5 letter or less

1 melee
4 kiosk

3 lard
2 spilt

6 - 7 letter

16 mongrel
12 dullard

6 stupefy
2 pilfer









8 - 9 letter

palpable 1
derelict 5

repugnant 6
rigmarole 7

10 letter +

preposterous 1
protuberance 4

abomination 6
cataclysmic 2

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

2010 War of the Words: 10 letter + Region / Adelle Neppelbuns

Live scores, updates, and other mirth and mayhem on W.o.W.'s Facebook page. Become a fan today.

10 letter + Region
1 preposterous
16 laceration

8 torrential
9 meticulous

5 rambunctious
12 monstrosity

4 protuberance
13 extemporaneous

6 bombardment
11 exacerbate

3 abomination
14 concoction

7 debauchery
10 colloquial

2 cataclysmic
15 loquacious

1 preposterous
9 meticulous

12 monstrosity
4 protuberance

6 bombardment
3 abomination

7 debauchery
2 cataclysmic

1 preposterous
4 protuberance

3 abomination
2 cataclysmic


2010 War of the Words: 8 - 9 letter Region / Dale Lib

Live scores, updates, and other mirth and mayhem on W.o.W.'s Facebook page. Become a fan today.

8 - 9 letter Region
1 palpable
16 misnomer

8 succinct
9 percolate

5 derelict
12 titillate

4 galvanize
13 perturbed

6 repugnant
11 skedaddle

3 charlatan
14 buoyancy

7 rigmarole
10 bombastic

2 saboteur
15 abhorrent

1 palpable
8 succinct

5 derelict
4 galvanize

6 repugnant
3 charlatan

7 rigmarole
2 saboteur

1 palpable
5 derelict

6 repugnant
7 rigmarole


2010 War of the Words: 6 - 7 letter Region / Gladys Hindrance

Live scores, updates, and other mirth and mayhem on W.o.W.'s Facebook page. Become a fan today.

6 - 7 letter Region
1 lavish
16 mongrel

8 placebo
9 loathe

5 crinkle
12 dullard

4 bullion
13 quarry

6 stupefy
11 caveat

3 unitard
14 dubious

7 fathom
10 seethe

2 pilfer
15 cloaked

16 mongrel
9 loathe

4 bullion

6 stupefy
3 unitard

10 seethe
2 pilfer

16 mongrel
12 dullard

6 stupefy
2 pilfer


2010 War of the Words: 5 letters or less Region / Dinah Horn

Live scores, updates, and other mirth and mayhem on W.o.W.'s Facebook page. Become a fan today.

5 letters or less Region
1 melee
16 duct

8 mire
9 muck

5 feign
12 pithy

4 kiosk
13 gaudy

6 slew
11 delve

3 lard
14 gourd

7 gruel
10 spilt

2 dank
15 ilk

1 melee
9 muck

5 feign
4 kiosk

11 delve
3 lard

10 spilt
2 dank

1 melee
4 kiosk

3 lard
10 spilt


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Thoughts on the '10 letters plus' Region* / Denny Limp

The below is expert commentary pertaining to the 2010 War of the Words tournament which begins noon EST, Thursday, June 3rd. It's not too late to play.

Enter in your picks today. Go here and click 'Predict It!'.

Follow the action on Facebook for live updates and results here.

Biggest sleeper: monstrosity

Lucky to be here: loquacious

Most likely to succeed: cataclysmic

Most overrated: rambunctious

Biggest questions surrounding point guard depth: preposterous

Owes me $15: exacerbate

Has a really bad rash: colloquial

Fell off a four story balcony one time but amazingly only broke a collar bone but now won't ever shut up about it even though it was like 11 years ago: torrential

Biggest dong: protuberance

Cries itself to sleep every night despite publicly displaying an air of confidence, especially when using chop sticks and laser pointers: extemporaneous

Secretly can't spell (but can jump very far): bombardment

Most likely to have lied about seeing the movie 'The Transporter" for some reason: debauchery

Is currently dating 'concoction' and thinking about moving in together: abomination

Most convincing wig: laceration

Still has a Facebook status of single: concoction

*The views and opinions expressed in this analysis are solely those of the individual referenced in the post title** and in do not necessarily reflect those of the W.o.W. Commissioner. Any use of the aforementioned views and opinions to assist W.o.W. participants in making bracket selections should be undertaken at their own risk.

**Denny Limp

The skinny on the '8 - 9 letter' Region* / Lyle Alzado

The below is expert commentary pertaining to the 2010 War of the Words tournament which begins noon EST, Thursday, June 3rd. It's not too late to play.

Enter in your picks today. Go here and click 'Predict It!'.

Follow the action on Facebook for live updates and results here.

'Saboteur' will win. Easy. That word means like to sneak up on someone and blow up their blind side. How you going to beat a word like that? What are they a 2 seed? Please. That's a joke. What's 'palpable' got that my man 'saboteur' doesn't? A couple extra p's and that's about it. 'Palpable'. Sounds like something you'd say when you're stuttering and asking for your daddy.

Stuttering like a little bitch.

'Derelict' and 'charlatan' sound like little bitches too. Little bitches wearing silly hats and smoking on fancy pipes. What else we got here? 'Perturbed' and 'skedaddle' remind me of farts for some reason. I'm just being honest with you. 'Titillate' and 'buoyancy' remind of something else if you know what I'm saying. Ha ha ha. I'd like to succinct on some buoyancy titillates if you catch my drift. I know that you do!

I think I had a rigmarole for lunch.

All right all right let's get serious. I like 'saboteur' and 'repugnant' coming from the bottom there and 'percolate' and 'galvanize' from the top.

I'll tell you what. The more I think about it the only other word I respect in that region is 'galvanize'. That's a man's word. I was galvanizing my quads just before you shoved this piece of shit piece of paper in my face. I'll galvanize your whole world. How'd you like that?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

*The views and opinions expressed in this analysis are solely those of the individual referenced in the post title** and in do not necessarily reflect those of the W.o.W. Commissioner. Any use of the aforementioned views and opinions to assist W.o.W. participants in making bracket selections should be undertaken at their own risk.

**Lyle Alzado

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Analysis of the '6-7 letter' Region* / Ethel Heavho

The below is expert commentary pertaining to the 2010 War of the Words tournament which begins noon EST, Thursday, June 3rd. It's not too late to play.

Enter in your picks today. Go here and click 'Predict It!'.

Follow the action on Facebook for live updates and results here.

What do the numbers mean again? Oh. . . Seeds you say? Oh I see. Well someone doesn't like 'mongrel' much then. 'Crinkle' is a good word. Better than most others I'm seeing here. Ohh I like 'bullion' too. I used the last of the chicken bullion last night to make that soup you like so much. You can freeze the leftovers and they last for months. I'll thaw some out next time you come to visit. Very tasty. Should I make some rolls too?

Oh right, the words. Let's see. 'Placebo' kind of scares me. I don't know what I'd do if Dr. Ludvich switched my back pills for some fake ones. That's nothing to take lightly in my opinion. 'Pilfer' is another word for stealing, right? 'Loathe' and 'seethe' aren't very nice words either. Whoever put this together must've gotten up on the wrong side of the bed or something. They should take a long hard look in the mirror and ask themselves why they think they are such a wise guy. Maybe then they'd start to see they weren't so smart after all. . .

Also it's never nice to make fun of unitards so I don't know if that's some sort of joke or something but it's not funny.

*The views and opinions expressed in this analysis are solely those of the individual referenced in the post title** and in do not necessarily reflect those of the W.o.W. Commissioner. Any use of the aforementioned views and opinions to assist W.o.W. participants in making bracket selections should be undertaken at their own risk.

**Ethel Heavho